Permission Slip Template Google Docs

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How to create a Permission Slip for kids activitDownload this Permission Slip Template op open directly in Google Docs and modify according to your preferences.

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How to create a Permission Slip for kids activities in Google Docs? Are you in need of a Permission Slip for Tutoring?

If your institution offers extra support for children who require additional assistance with their homework, this guide will help you create a structured and effective permission slip using Google Docs.

About the After School Tutoring Program

The After School Tutoring Program is designed to provide extra help in subjects such as literature, writing, math, science, or social studies. It is open to students in grades 6th through 8th and is held in the middle school library every Tuesday at 3:00 PM. The program starts on [Insert Date], and a completed permission slip is required for student participation.

Parental Responsibilities

Parents are responsible for ensuring their child is picked up promptly after the tutoring session ends, no later than 5:00 PM. Failure to adhere to this may result in the child's exclusion from future sessions.

Permission Slip Template in Google Docs

To create a permission slip in Google Docs, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Docs and create a new document.
  2. Title the document "Permission Slip for After School Tutoring Program."
  3. Include the following information:
  4. Student’s Name: [Last Name] [First Name]
  5. Student’s Grade: (Please check) 6 / 7 / 8
  6. Home Phone Number:
  7. Phone Number where Parent/Guardian can be reached between 3:00 – 5:00 PM:
  8. Add a statement of permission: "I give permission for my child to participate in the [School Name] School District After School Tutoring Program on Tuesdays. I will ensure my child is picked up at 5:00 PM."
  9. Include space for the Parent/Guardian Name (printed) and Signature.
  10. Downloading and Using the Template

You can also download and customize a pre-made Permission Slip for Tutoring template to save time. These templates are available in various formats and can be easily adapted to suit your needs.

By using Google Docs, you can efficiently create and distribute permission slips for your tutoring program or any other children's programs. This streamlined process ensures clear communication with parents and guardians while saving time and effort.

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