Devil Eggs Recipe for St. Patricksday

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How to make Deviled Eggs Recipe for St. Patrick's day? Download the Devil Eggs Recipe for Saint Patrick's Day here!

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How to make Deviled Eggs Recipe for St. Patrick's day?

The origin of deviled eggs can be traced back to ancient Rome, where boiled eggs were seasoned with spicy sauces and served as a starter. The term "deviled," in culinary context, dates back to the 18th century and refers to dishes that were prepared with hot spices or condiments, hence giving them a "devilish" flavor.

However, the association of deviled eggs with St. Patrick's Day is more of a modern and cultural adaptation rather than a historical one. St. Patrick's Day is a celebration of Irish heritage, and deviled eggs, while not traditionally Irish, have become a popular party food in the United States and other countries during celebrations, including St. Patrick's Day. The addition of green food coloring or using ingredients like avocado or spinach to tint the filling green is a way to incorporate the holiday's signature color into the dish.

So, while deviled eggs themselves do not have a direct origin in St. Patrick's Day celebrations, their versatility and popularity have made them a welcome addition to festive menus for the occasion.

The "Deviled", "Devil" or "Evil Eggs" recipe you're referring to might be a playful twist on traditional deviled eggs, customized for St. Patrick's Day with a green theme. Here's a recipe you can try:

Devil Eggs Recipe for St. Patrick day


  1. Hard Boil the Eggs: Place the eggs in a single layer in a saucepan and cover them with enough water so that there's about an inch of water above the eggs. Bring to a boil, then cover and remove from heat. Let them sit for 12 minutes, then transfer to an ice bath to cool.
  2. Peel and Halve the Eggs: Once cooled, peel the eggs and slice them in half lengthwise. Gently remove the yolks and place them in a mixing bowl.
  3. Make the Filling: Mash the egg yolks with a fork until they're crumbly. Add the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, white vinegar, salt, and pepper. Mix until smooth and creamy.
  4. Color the Filling: Add a few drops of green food coloring to the yolk mixture and stir until you achieve the desired shade of green.
  5. Fill the Egg Whites: Spoon or pipe the green yolk mixture back into the egg white halves.
  6. Garnish: Sprinkle a little paprika on top for color contrast and garnish with fresh parsley or dill if desired.
  7. Chill and Serve: Chill the eggs in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Check ingredients and proportions in the recipe template. These "Evil Eggs" are a fun and festive addition to any St. Patrick's Day celebration! 

Download the Irish Deviled Eggs Recipe now and have fun this Saint Patrick's Day!

Check here for other St. Patrick's Day Templates.

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