Au Pair Agreement

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How do you write an Au Pair Agreement? Download this professional Au Pair Agreement template now and save yourself time, effort and possibly reduce legal fees


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How do you write an Au Pair Agreement?

When you want to hire an Au Pair or a Nanny, it's best to put the agreement in writing in order to prevent future issues. There is no need to start from scratch, because we have a proper au pair placement contract that covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional and legal way with those involved. 

Au Pair Placement Agreement includes the following articles:

  • General conditions,
  • Host Family’s Rights and Duties,
  • Location, board and lodging,
  • Language,
  • Au Pair pocket money,
  • Holidays,
  • Workhours per week,
  • Free day (s) per week,
  • Au Pair's travel costs,
  • Insurance, 
  • Health and if Au Pair falls ill,
  • Immigration formalities,
  • Au Pair’s Rights and Duties,
  • Miscellaneous,
  • Signatures.
By law, it's obligated in many countries that you need to provide your au pair with a written statement of employment, usually referred to as a contract or agreement. For example for immigration purposes. 

This should ideally be done before he/she starts work, but definitely within two weeks of her start date. However, in many countries a nanny can be hired and treated as a service provider, and therefore paid only for the hours that she worked.

However, this will help you dealing with this legal matter we still recommend you to consider to find legal support in case you have doubts dealing with it the right way. 

Using our easy-to-modify Au Pair Placement Agreement helps to make a perfect document for any kind of personalized legal matter. Our trustworthy legal templates are all written and screened by legal professionals that have experience in special law-related fields and are actively involved in legal issues around the topic.

Download this professional Au Pair Agreement template now and save yourself time, effort and possibly reduce the lawyer-fees in order to become more successful.

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