School Daily Cleaning Schedule

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How to create a School Daily Cleaning Schedule? What should be on a cleaning schedule? Download this School Daily Cleaning Schedule template now!

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  • Este documento ha sido certificado por un profesionall
  • 100% personalizable

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Business Negocio Life Privado Education Educación planning planificación cleaning checklist lista de verificación de limpieza schedule programar house cleaning schedule horario de limpieza de la casa cleaning schedule programa de limpieza daily diario Cleaning Limpieza Sinks Sumideros cleaning schedule sample programa de limpieza muestra Office Cleaning Schedule Horario de limpieza de oficinas Cleaned Limpiado School Cleaning Schedule Horario de limpieza escolar Weekly Cleaning Schedule Horario de limpieza semanal cleaning schedule sheet cleaning schedule plan cleaning plan cleaning schedule covid 19 cleaning schedule template excel weekly cleaning schedule template excel free editable cleaning schedule template cleaning schedule template free editable cleaning schedule template covid cleaning schedule template daily weekly monthly cleaning schedule template free printable cleaning schedule template toilet cleaning schedule template bathroom cleaning schedule template daily weekly monthly cleaning schedule cleaning work schedule template cleaning weekly schedule template plantilla de horario semanal de limpieza

How to create a School Daily Cleaning Schedule? What should be on a cleaning schedule?

This School Daily Cleaning Schedule template can help you find inspiration and motivation.

  • Classroom Process Cleaning Checklist
  • Cleaned and sanitized all desk tops.
  • Cleaned and sanitized door, glass,lightswitch and phones.
  • Cleaned and sanitized all sinks and sink counters.
  • Cleaned the white/chalkboards and trays.
  • Emptied all trash cans.
  • Emptied pencil sharpeners.
  • Vacuumed and/or swept the floor.
  • Restroom Cleaning:
  • Cleaned and sanitized walls
  • Cleaned and sanitized all sinks and sink counters.
  • Cleaned, sanitized and buff chrome fixtures.
  • Cleaned and sanitized all partitions.
  • Cleaned and sanitized all toilets & urinals.
  • Cleaned and sanitized restroom floor.
  • Quad Cleaning Checklist: (scheduled extra cleaning that is done once a week).
  • Dust Cabinets.
  • Comet sinks in restrooms. Remove rings Cubbies.
  • Desks Tops, remove glue. Pencil marks Classroom sinks, remove rings.
  • Chrome, polish Spot Mop.
  • Vents Wash Windows.

Feel free to download this intuitive template that is available in several kinds of formats, or try any other of our basic or advanced templates, forms or documents. Don't reinvent the wheel every time you start something new... 

Download this School Daily Cleaning Schedule template and save yourself time and efforts! You will see completing your task has never been simpler!

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