Employment Reference Letter

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Have you been searching for a template for employment reference letters? Download this sample template now which will provide all the necessary information you need to write a reference letter.

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How to write an employment reference letter? Have you been searching for a template for employment reference letters? This template will provide all the necessary information you need to write a reference letter. It will show you how to format the letter and make it stand out. Download this employment reference letter template now!

An employment reference letter is a document written by a former employer or supervisor to provide information about an individual's work history, job performance, and professional qualifications. This letter is typically requested by the employee for various purposes, such as a new job application, an application for a rental property, or for immigration and visa purposes. It serves as a recommendation and verification of the individual's employment history and performance.

What makes a good recommendation letter?

The Writing Recommendation Letter Basics
There are a few basic requirements for a Recommendation Letter. Every letter should respect the following principles:

  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Structured and written to highlight strengths of the person you recommend;
  • Immediately clear about your name and the position you are seeking;
  • Enthusiastic! Show off the character and personality of the person;
  • Provide descriptions of your contributions to the work/academic environment related to completed tasks on time or your strengths;
  • Always use action verbs to describe your accomplishments, skills, and strengths;
  • Make sure to use the active voice which indicates that you completed tasks and demonstrated desirable behaviors. Since the passive voice can indicate that events happened with or without your active involvement;
  • Explain how you performed the responsibilities required, and therefore it’s good to study some appealing anecdotes;
  • If possible, a statement indicating people would re-hire you or collaborate with you on another project;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Using common business letter format;
  • No copying of exact words/phrases from sample letters without checking the context;
  • Uses the correct name of the University or organization;
  • Contact information including his or her full name, appropriate title, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address;
  • Expands upon their resume; do not repeat it verbatim in your reference letter as well.

Employment Reference Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Name}}, / To Whom It May Concern, / Dear Hiring Manager,
{{Name}} has been employed by Company, Inc. since {{Date}}. During this period, she demonstrated all the qualities that employers seek in searching for promotable employees. She has an excellent capacity to quickly grasp new theories and applications and has always sought to gain additional responsibilities.
{{Name}}'s zeal to improve herself has been displayed by her attendance at evening school to complete her master’s degree. Her competence is such that, in the absence of our {{Job title}}, she was very capable in directing the entire work force to get the job done. {{Name}} possesses solid writing skills that have enabled her to compose quality correspondence. She also has the analytical skills to diagnose problems and devise viable solutions in her Branch. Her ability to remain unflustered during frenzied periods such as year-end proves her ability to work well under pressure.
It is unfortunate for {{Company}}. that, due to economic constraints, we must reorganize our organization and lose valued employees such as {{Name}}. I would highly recommend her for any position or career that she may now choose to pursue.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you. Yours sincerely,

This Reference Letter has ways to grab your reader’s attention. Download this reference letter template now!

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