Public Restroom Cleaning Checklists

How to make public restroom cleaning checklists? Looking for cleaning schedules that are suitable for public restrooms, washrooms, toilets, etc.? Check out these Cleaning Schedules in Word and Excel that will perfectly suit your needs.

Cleaning your public restrooms is very important! In order to rapidly manifest your cleanliness needs in the restrooms, you need to get professional schedules that keep track on the restroom cleaning activities on a daily basis.

Are you looking for a Public restroom Cleaning Checklist in Excel? Download this Public restroom Cleaning Checklist in Excel now!

Public restroom cleaning is important, for residential and commercial Public restrooms. In order to improve cleanliness in the Public restroom, toilet or washrooms, you need to create a structure of cleaning to get a professional Excel table that keeps track on the Public restroom cleaning activities on a daily basis. This XLS template will help you to ensure regular and proper cleaning in an ordered fashion way. It can be used for writing down notes, details regarding the time schedule, which parts need to be cleaned and by who.

These easy to use Public restroom cleaning checklists will help you to manage your cleaning staff. There are bathroom and toilet cleaning checklists that clearly show what needs to be cleaned and when. It includes clear supervisor inspection moments to show a sense of authority. Cleaning personnel needs to sign off each row and state what item has been cleaned or has been stocked. 

The following steps for properly cleaning your restrooms:

No matter what size the restroom is, if it’s a large or smaller surface, it shouldn’t take much time if you prepare the cleaning in advance with the right materials. Follow the following steps and you can have your restroom looking clean and brand new in a short time:

1. For commercial Public restrooms, it’s important to block the entrance, or at least put up ‘wet floor signs’. Make sure to place the signage on top of the wet floor, inside the Public restroom and at the entrance and make anyone aware that the floor is slippery.

2. Dust, sweep, and empty the trash cans: make sure to dust all the Public restroom fixtures, countertops, exhausts, openings, etc. before you start with cleaning and general sweeping the floor surface. Then empty the dust bins and trash cans and put in a new trash bags.

3. Check all disposable items. Refill if necessary the paper towels, sanitary napkins, soap and toilet paper dispensers so users will have access to the hygiene and sanitation products.

4. Clean urinals and toilets: to make sure you get the best results, pre-treat the toilet bowls and inside the urinals first (with hot water for example) and allow the cleaner to leave it for one to two minutes. Then, make sure to clean all the toilets and urinals thoroughly both inside and out.

5. Clean countertops, sinks, and mirrors: there should be no stains, fatty fingerprints, water spots, soap buildup, or other visuals when you are finished.

6. Clean walls and fixtures: wipe down the walls, doors, knobs, Public restroom dividers, and other fixtures.

7. Mop the floors: with a wet mop, work your way from the back of the restroom toward the door. Allow the floor to dry completely before opening the restroom to guests to prevent any unwanted injury.

Now that you know all the steps to make a Public restroom clean in a professional way. Use this Public restroom cleaning checklist to implement the structure that all these necessary steps are done on a weekly basis and checked on a weekly basis to ensure that your public or private restrooms are absolutely clean. By successful implementation, you can see that your facility will stay free of germs, mud, and bacteria. Follow through on this regular restroom cleaning schedule to help keep your Public restrooms spotless and clean.

These cleaning templates are intuitive, ready-to-use, easy-to-modify and structured in a smart way.  will help you to structure the cleaning activities and to ensure regular and proper cleaning in an ordered fashion way. It can be used for writing down notes, details regarding the time schedule, which parts need to be cleaned and by who.

These restroom cleaning checklists will help you to manage your cleaning staff. They include clear supervisor inspection moments as well to show a sense of authority. Cleaning personnel needs to sign off each row and state what item has been cleaned or has been stocked. 

By providing you these Public Restroom Cleaning Schedules we hope you can save precious time, cost and efforts and it will help you to make the facility management of your public restrooms or toilets easier! 

In general, the following needs to be included in Public Restroom Cleaning Checklists:

  • Check stock of toilet paper;
  • Check stock of paper towels;
  • Check stock of soap;
  • Check stock hand lotion;
  • Check stock of feminine hygiene;
  • Check stock of air freshener;
  • Wipe sink and fittings;
  • Wipe mirror;
  • Check and wipe toilets;
  • Pick up litter;
  • Empty bins;
  • Mop floors.

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Miriam Horton Miriam Horton

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi