Risk Assessment Template

Looking for a Risk Assessment Template or a Risk Assessment Matrix? Check out these Risk Management templates and find one that meets your company or industry needs!

By working with a Risk Assessment Template, you are able to manage the company in a better way. This is because you are already understanding the risks you are having. By knowing the risks, you are able to anticipate and manage them.

As a responsible person or company, you must carry out, and regularly review by performing a general risk assessment. This will makes sure you timely identify and prevent issues from happening. 

The following columns are important in a Risk Assessment:

  • Potential hazard;
  • Who is at risk?;
  • Existing control measures;
  • Risk rating;
  • Preventive measures;
  • Responsibilities.

Risks have to be assessed and analyzed. Therefore, the Red, Amber, Green (RAG) status can be useful You can mak an analysis by considering the following for each risk you have:


  • Almost certain   (e.g. >90% chance)
  • Likely (e.g. between 50 and 90% chance)
  • Moderate (e.g. betweem 1-% amd 50% chance)
  • Unlikely (e.g. between 3% and 10% chance)
  • Rare (e.g. < 3% chance)


  • Insignificant (Minor problem easily handled by normal day to day process)
  • Minor (Some disruption possible, e.g. Damage equal to $500K)
  • Moderate  (Significant time/resources required e.g. Damage equal to $ 1 MLN)
  • Major(Operations severely damaged, e.g. Damage equal to $ 10 MLN)
  • Catastrophic (Business survival is at risk damage equal to $ 25 MLN)

The outcome can be found in a Risk Assessment Analysis RAG status. Check out the following Risk Assessment Templates and learn more how to manage your risks in a proper way:

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Risk Management Log Matrix Template

How to manage risks? Are you looking for a Risk Management tool? Download this Risk Management Log!

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Project Risk Assessment Form Template

Looking for an easy-to-use Project Risk Assessment Form? What are the steps involved in writing a risk assessment? Download our sample form and get started today!

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Risk & Return Optimization In Project Selection

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template preview imageRisk Assessment Template

Risk Assessment Template

Looking for a Risk Assessment Template or Risk Assessment Matrix? Download this free risk assessment template that meets your company or industry needs now!

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template preview imageRisk Assessment Template Excel

Risk Assessment Template Excel

Why do you need a risk assessment template? When writing a risk assessment template, what should you include? Download this Risk assessment template that meets your needs!

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template preview imageRisk Assessment RAG Status Excel

Risk Assessment RAG Status Excel

Do you need to make a Risk Assessment in Excel? Download this Risk Assessment in Excel with Red, Amber, Green (RAG) status now!

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template preview imageProject Risk Template

Project Risk Template

Project-Risk-Template.pdf. Easy to download and use .pdf Business template.

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template preview imageProject Risk Assessment

Project Risk Assessment

Do you need a Project Assessment Template? Download this professional Assessment template now!

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Third Party Risk Management Standard

How to create a Third-Party Risk Management Standard for your IT organization? Download this Third-Party Risk Management if you are working on IEC, NIST, ISO270

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Alvin Stanley Alvin Stanley

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. | Tony Dorsett