Airbnb Shortterm Rentals Are Worth Investing In!

More and more people started a real estate project or company on the side since the economics of short-term rental sites Airbnb, Roomorama and VRBO also appeal to people who do not live in the house or apartment they rent out. This enables all kinds of people, from newbie property owners as well as professional real estate investors, to make a profit from renting out the home. 

A short stay rental home will always generate more revenue than a long-term rental home. The following AIRBNB real estate templates are important tools when you proceed with this short rental business and will definitely give you a head start.

This section is dedicated to those who are now more than ready to start with their own real estate business by investing in AIRBNB rental properties. To those who deep down know they can do much better than that they are doing now, or to those that were told: “you cannot do this by yourself”…

Before to go to our offer, we first like to introduce to you some very important wisdom from the legendary investor Warren Buffet. Warren Buffet had given us all advice how and why to invest in (commercial) property. His famous #1 rule was: 

“Only invest in things you have an understanding of”

This is a very true, easy to understand, and implement advice. In order to understand you simply need to do a thorough research and calculations first, before going to invest in it. Warren achieves two major critical objectives with this:

  1. predictability
  2. control

This predictability and control are important to obtain and can be achieved by doing a thorough study, in order to make you understand the market. This particular knowledge you acquire of an investment, gives you the incentive when to wait, when to buy, when to hold, when to partner and when to sell.

With control, he refers to the six important components in a successful company, specifically: asset, debt, income, expenses, management and insurance. In the specific case of renting out your home as a short-stay rental home, we can translate the controls to the following 6:

  • Control the income by raising rents
  • Control the expense because you decide what to buy or fix
  • Control the asset because you can sell it or refinance whenever you want
  • Control the debt because you are able to arrange the financing
  • Control the management because you hire the property management firm
  • Control the insurance by choosing the type and level of insurance desired

In order to get predictability and control over your (future) AIRBNB rental property, we created the following templates for you:

The following real estate investment calculator, who is specifically suitable for small or medium size condo’s that can be easily rented out on AIRBNB. This specific AIRBNB Investment Calculator sums up all the known, and unknown (!), variables that you have to take into account before you actually do the investment. This AIRBNB Property investment calculator obviously helps you a lot into getting predictability and control over you’re: income, expense, which is highly important, especially the first time you do this.

template preview imageAIRBNB Rental Property Investment Calculator

AIRBNB Rental Property Investment Calculator

Are you going to invest in a short-stay rental investment property? Need an easy-to-use Rental Property Investment Calculator? Download this short stay rental investment analysis template.

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template preview imageApartment Evaluation Checklist

Apartment Evaluation Checklist

Download this Apartment Evaluation Checklist template when you are on an apartment hunt and need a tool in order to help you make the right decision!

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template preview imageMonthly Amortization Schedule Excel

Monthly Amortization Schedule Excel

Download this Mortgage amortization calculator template and after downloading you can craft and customize every detail of its appearance very quickly.

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template preview imageProposal to Purchase Real Estate

Proposal to Purchase Real Estate

Download this Proposal to Purchase Real Estate template and after downloading you can craft and customize every detail of its appearance very quickly.

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The following AIRBNB real estate templates are applicable when you bought your real estate or started to rent out already, and looking for additional services, registration tools or just some extra protection:

This simple agreement helps you to structure the deal with your AIRBNB tenants, and provides extra security and protection:

template preview imageAirbnb business JV agreement property owners

Airbnb business JV agreement property owners

How to set up an Airbnb business with friends? Download this Airbnb business JV Property Ownership Agreement template now!

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template preview imageAIRBNB Guest Short term Rental Agreement

AIRBNB Guest Short term Rental Agreement

How to write a short term rental agreement? Are you looking for an additional Short Stay Rental Agreement to rent out your home or room on AIRBNB? Download this Short stay Rental Agreement including an Inventory checklist now!

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template preview imageAIRBNB Rental Invoice template

AIRBNB Rental Invoice template

Looking for an AIRBNB Invoice Template? Download this sample AIRBNB invoice template if you are renting out properties to shortstay guests.

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template preview imageAIRBNB Receipt Template

AIRBNB Receipt Template

What does an AIRBNB Receipt Template look like? Download this AIRBNB Receipt template now if you are renting out homes via AIRBNB!

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template preview imageVisitor log template

Visitor log template

Searching for samples of visitor sign in sheets? Download this easy to use building Visitor log template now to properly log all the visitors to your building!

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template preview imageAirbnb Sublease Agreement

Airbnb Sublease Agreement

Are you looking for a Sublease Agreement for renting out a house via AIRBNB? Download this AIRBNB Sublease Agreement now!

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The following AIRBNB email messages template provides you with effective answers that you can send to the host in case of a booking or cancellation:

template preview imageAirbnb Email Messages

Airbnb Email Messages

How to respond as Airbnb host to your guest requests?Looking for Airbnb Email Messages? Download this Airbnb Email Messages template now!

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In order to get control over your property management firm, you can use this template to make sure they are actually doing the work you agreed with them, which is, for example, cleaning the home after a tenant left:

template preview imageAirbnb Guest Garment Cleaning

Airbnb Guest Garment Cleaning

Do you need a guest garment cleaning service form to provide to your guests? We have the perfect template for you. Our template allows you to quickly and easily edit a guest garment cleaning document.

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template preview imageApartment Cleaning Checklist template

Apartment Cleaning Checklist template

Download this free printable Apartment Cleaning Checklist to register the cleaning works that are performed in your apartment.

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template preview imageHotel Laundry Price List

Hotel Laundry Price List

Download this simple printable Hotel Laundry Price List which you can provide to shortterm guests and longterm tenants into your hotel, hostel or guest house

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template preview imageHotel Room Attendant Daily Report

Hotel Room Attendant Daily Report

Download this free Hotel Room Attendant Daily Report to keep track of all daily maintenance activities that are applicable on the daily room rent and work performed by the hotel staff.

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template preview imageAirbnb Guest Reviews Template

Airbnb Guest Reviews Template

Are you starting to rent out your home on AIRBNB? Then it's important that people write a kind 5-star Guest review! Download these AIRNBNB Guest Reviews now!

file format: .docView template

We hope you appreciate these templates and our work creating or finding them for you. Share it if you were happy, good luck with your future projects and you are always welcome back to us for more advice regarding short-term property rental or other business templates!

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Darryl Palmer Darryl Palmer

Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming. | Richard Branson