Google Sheets Templates

How to use Google sheets?

In Google Sheets you can easily format and edit spreadsheets online and collaborate with others. These are the steps to make to develop an online Google Sheets template:

1. Creating a spreadsheet is the first step

2. Creating a new spreadsheet is as follows:
a) Go to and open the Sheets home screen.
b) Select New. By doing this, you will be able to create a new spreadsheet and open it.

3. Alternatively, you can open existing Excel (XLSX) files as Google Sheets files, by clicking on 'Open', or to create spreadsheets at

4. Editing and formatting a spreadsheet is the second step

5. Formulas, numbers, and text can be added, edited, or formatted in a spreadsheet.
a) Spreadsheet editing and formatting
b) Make use of formulas and functions in spreadsheets

6. Sharing and collaborating with others is step 3

7. The Share Files and Folders feature allows you to share files and folders with people and control whether or not they can view, edit, or comment on them.

Conditional formatting Google sheets
The text or background color of cells, rows, or columns can be formatted if certain conditions are met. They may contain a particular word or number, for example.

1. You can use Google Sheets to open a spreadsheet on your computer.

2. Choose the cells to which you want to apply format rules.

3. Select Conditional formatting from the Format menu. On the right, you will see a toolbar.

4. A rule should be created.
a) Choose the condition that should trigger the rule under the "Format cells if" option. You can choose the cell's formatting style under "Formatting style".
b) You can change the color scale by selecting the "Preview" option. Decide what the minimum and maximum values are, as well as an optional midpoint value. Click the Down arrow to choose a value category.

5. You can now click Done.

How to make a graph in Google sheets?

In your chart, the "data range" is the set of cells you wish to display.

1. Open a Google Sheets spreadsheet on your computer.
2. You can make changes to a chart by double-clicking it.
3. Click the Setup button on the right.
4. On the "Data range" page, click Grid.
5. In your chart, select the cells you wish to include.

Check here some useful templates that you can open in Google Sheets:
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Delivery Note Excel Template

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Server Inventory

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Business Start up Budget

How to make a Startup Budget in Excel or Google Sheets? Download this professional Business Startup Budget Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet template now!

file format: .xlsxView template
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Event Budget Spreadsheet Template

How to make a budget for an Event in Excel? An easy way to create your calculation is by downloading this example Event Budget Excel spreadsheet template now!

file format: .xlsView template
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Wedding Budget Breakdown

How to make a Wedding Budget Breakdown? Download this detailed Wedding Budget Breakdown Excel spreadsheet template now!

file format: .xlsxView template
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Printable Budget Template

How to make a Budget in Excel? An easy way to create your personalized spreadsheet is by downloading this printable Excel Budget now!

file format: .xlsxView template
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Moving House Checklist in excel

What items are important when you are moving to a new location? Have a look at this moving checklist in excel to be sure you are not forgetting anything important. Download this sample moving house checklist in Excel template now!

file format: .xlsxView template
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Timeline template

How to make a Timeline in Excel? An easy way to create your personalized spreadsheet is by downloading this Excel sheet now!

file format: .xlsxView template
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Sign Up Sheet Form

How do I make a signup sheet in Excel? Are you looking for a professional Sign in and sign out sheet? Download this sheet now.

file format: .xlsxView template
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Budget Template

What is a Budget? Who needs a Budget? Virtually everybody should working with a Budget Worksheet Template like this one. Download it now.

file format: .xlsxView template

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