CV template: How to write a CV, Resume or Biodata overview?

Applying for your first job? Looking for a new challenge? Then you need to write a CV or resume or Biodata. In this topic we will explain you what the differences are and when to write what. We also included some good CV samples to give you a headstart.

What is exactly the difference between a resume, a CV and bio data and when to write what to whom?


Curriculum Vitae is often shortened CV or vita. It is a written comprehensive overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity. It's targeted audience are employers from companies and headhunters related to your field of study as you apply for jobs or internships. The goal of a CV is to demonstrate your academic achievements and scholarly potential, experiences and skills is such a way that you get selected for an interview. The length of a CV is at least one A4 page but make sure it stays comprehensive and keep it high quality. Don't forget: Curriculum vitae is a Latin expression which can be loosely translated as "the course of my life"!

A CV or vita includes the following essential information:

  • Experiences, 
  • Technical proficiency, 
  • Achievements, 
  • Positions of responsibilities, 
  • Extracurricular and
  • References

A CV is often the preferred option for fresh graduates, people looking for a career change, and those applying for academic positions.

template preview imageSingle Page CV Modern Style

Single Page CV Modern Style

Looking for a Single Page CV Modern Style? Download this Single Page CV Modern Style template and customize every detail of its appearance according your needs.

file format: .docView template


Résumé also spelled as resume, is a document used by a people to present their skills and backgrounds. Résumés are used for a variety of reasons, but most common usage is to secure new employment. It's general audience are employers who hire for a wide variety of positions. Imagine that those employers often have huge HR departments or external hiring companies that screen hundreds of resumes to filter down potential candidates. Are resume mention your skills and experience necessary to succeed in the position from all areas—job-related, volunteer, and extracurricular activities. It is important only mention those skills and experiences that are relevant to the position you are seeking. As resume length should be between 1 or 2 pages. References don't need to include. A  resume is more applicable for middle and senior level jobs where experiences and skill sets get more preference than academic qualifications.

template preview imageModern Resume Template

Modern Resume Template

Download this Modern Resume template and after downloading you will be able to change and customize every detail and appearance and finish it in minutes.

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Biodata is an abbreviation for the term biographical data. A biodata is more like of a biography of a person i.e. one's work and life experiences. Here the focus is given on the personal attributes such as name,age,height,weight,sex,etc that describes the person best. It is mainly used for applying for government and defense jobs or for any academic grants. It is also used for making profiles on a social or profile websites. The term biodata new for you? Don't worry the word is commonly used in India instead of CV or resume. The length of a biodata should not be more than one a4 page.

template preview imageBiodata Extented Excel Template

Biodata Extented Excel Template

Do you need a Biodata extended Excel template? Check out this professional Biodata Excel template now!

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template preview imageBiodata Template in Word Format

Biodata Template in Word Format

Where can you download a biodata template in MS Word format? To streamline your document workflow, download our biodata template. Easily sign the bio data template using MS WORD or Google Docs.

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template preview imageBiodata table format word template

Biodata table format word template

Biodata table formatted Word template, Fully editable and easy to use.

file format: .docView template

Wait there is one more.

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose: SOP is an essay that demonstrates your qualifications for and your commitment to your chosen academic field. (generally written when applying for masters or PHD) It should be vibrant with details and examples and should scream to the adcom readers. The goal of a SOP: "This is a person worth getting to know!"

The of Statement of purpose therefore is one of the most essential elements of your admission application which will describe the admission committee about you and what are the factors which encouraged you to choose that particular career and what are your professional interests and plans. All these things are essential at the time of your admission, but many people do not take it seriously and commit many mistakes while preparing this application. So, be cautious while writing this application for your admission.

template preview imageStatement of purpose sample (SOP)

Statement of purpose sample (SOP)

Not sure what schools seek in a statement of purpose (SOP)? What does a statement of purpose look like? Download the SOP template we provide which is a good example to use.

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How does one write a high-quality résumé or CV? How to write a master CV or Resume?

Design and format

Recruiters do not read your resume!

They do a 15 - 30-second "spot check" of your resume, so keep it simple and awesome, consider these points before even thinking of what to write:

  • One Page resume. If you have only a few years of experience. If that's you, you should stick to one page. It looks a little silly to see someone two years out of school with a two-page resume.
  • Objectives. All an objective does is it state in a wordy way, what position you're interested in. The company already knows that because you applied for a particular position.
  • Use a template. Unless you're awesome designer, you probably shouldn't be creating your own resume template. It'll most likely look sloppy. Use a template instead! 
  • Use Columns / Tables. Keep the content organized so it is easy to read and saves space. 
  • Use Formatting. Use Bold, Underline, bullets to highlight important content accordingly, It is very important to have some hot points in the resume and more important to be able to highlight them. One exception on formatting: Don't start coloring!

template preview imageDynamic Resume template

Dynamic Resume template

Are you an Independent Creative Professional that is going to accept a new assignment and looking for a visually appealing Dynamic Resume template?

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How to write good content

With the design setup you should need to have a more closer look how to write quality content to impress the reader.

First, forget about writing a objective statement. It is almost impossible to write an objective statement giving hiring manager a Deja Vu experience. Instead, use a summary statement or what can be your “written elevator speech.” 

The resume summary statement will help your resume stand out by:
  • Catching the reader’s attention immediately.
  • Ensuring a clear understanding of your top selling points at a glance.
  • Putting emphasis on your career highlights and key strengths in an easy-to-quickly-read format.
  • If relevant: briefly communicate your professional objective.

Make sure they know how to contact you
You don’t need to include your address on your resume anymore but you do need to make sure to include a phone number and professional email address (not "[email protected]").

Include Continuing or Online Education
Don’t be afraid to include continuing education, professional development coursework, or online courses in your education section, especially if it feels a little light. Online courses are a more-than-accepted norm nowadays, and your participation in them can actually show your determination and motivation to grow your skills.

Be More Specific
Employers need to understand what you've done and accomplished, For example:
  1. Worked with employees in a leadershipsetting.
  2. Recruited, hired, trained and supervised more than 50 employees in an e-commerce multinational with $2 billion in annual sales.
Both of these phrases could describe the same person, but the details and specifics in example B will more likely grab an employer's attention.

Don't Lie and Don't put confidential information on resume 
Always be honest about your background. Maybe you get accepted based on a lie but what you think will happen to the trust relationship with your new employer if he finds out that they story you told was nothing more than a fairytale?

Proofread yourself ask others to proofread for you, make sure you don't have typos or grammatical issues, and you should be good to go. Use online tools like Grammarly or Ginger.

Other great resume websites to write your CV online:

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Flenn Garza Flenn Garza

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