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EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION PO 542 TRENTON, NEW JERSEY 08625 Academic Year 2009-2010 Summer 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Institution: CSS Code: EOF Director: Signature: INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING REPORT Submit by e-mail to meverett Report should be submitted as an EXCEL DOCUMENT and the narrative should be submitted as a WORD DOCUMENT The cover page, with original signature, should be sent by regular mail.. Undecided/Other TOTAL 0-32 credits Male Female 0 0 33-64 credits 65-96 credits 97 + above Male Female Male Female Male Female TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Must equal total enrollment provided in ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY, 2 = 0 TABLE 4 COUNSELING, ADVISEMENT, AND STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Indicate the number of counseling CONTACTS provided to EOF funded and non-funded students by EOF staff (directors, counselors, administrative assistants, etc.) as well as those individuals listed in your AY Article IV contract as providing a percentage of their time in support to the EOF program (i.e.. regular classroom, basic skills, workshop, computer-aided instruction) Summer only course: Was the course designed specifically for summer Yes or no degree credits Course Title TABLE 12 non-degree credits Course type Summer only course (Yes/No) SUMMER BASIC SKILLS REMEDIATION Of the EOF initial students who completed the summer 10 program, how many continue to show a need for basic skills remediation and will take remedial courses in the academic year in 1 area of remediation MATH only WRITING only READING only READING/WRITING TOTAL Reading/writing combined course in 2 areas of remediation MATH+WRITING MATH+READING WRITING+READING READING/WRITING +MATH Reading/writing combined course in 3 areas of remediation MATH+WRITING+READING TOTAL students enrolled with passing grade TABLE 13 RENEWAL STUDENTS Categorize the number of RENEWAL STUDENTS who attended the summer progr
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If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some. | Benjamin Franklin