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Using this Budget Planning Report financial template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, education, work, and business!
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SUPPLIES FOR CHURCH… DUMPSTER RENTAL FOR CHURCH… MOONWALK RENTAL FOR CHURCH… CHURCH BAZAAR CHANGE FOR CHURCH BAZAAR BAZAAR RAFFLE TICKETS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,590.43 13,764.61 123.09 11,150.76 51.60 486.00 665.00 4,825.91 7,500.00 0.00 45,157.40 6,590.43 13,764.61 123.09 11,150.76 51.60 486.00 665.00 3,170.20 7,500.00 1,655.71 45,157.40 6,207.67 13,953.44 131.00 12,999.00 317.60 502.00 720.00 2,943.75 8,500.00 1,531.17 47,805.63 6,207.67 13,953.44 131.00 12,999.00 317.60 502.00 720.00 2,943.75 8,500.00 1,531.17 47,805.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.02 37,768.74 651.02 20,000.00 588.49 0.00 588.49 ,,. 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 4,000.00 0.00 200.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 7,432.50 500.00 95.49 0.00 2,007.95 0.00 86.86 1,501.93 469.88 585.15 0.00 0.00 2,289.25 7,432.50 500.00 98.02 0.00 2,007.95 0.00 50.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 2,289.25 6,937.50 0.00 98.02 372.95 1,228.17 0.00 0.00 297.00 0.00 0.00 47.98 0.00 2,059.70 6,937.50 ,,. REVENUE 81-02-05-4000 Sub Total BINGO-PARISH EXPENDITURES 81-11-01-8199 91-01-00-8434 91-01-02-7000 91-01-02-7042 91-01-02-7049 91-01-02-7141 91-01-02-7641 91-01-02-7711 91-01-02-8011 91-01-02-8020 91-01-02-8126 91-01-02-8129 91-01-02-8132 91-01-02-8183 91-01-02-8194 91-01-02-8201 LIGUORI BULLETIN INSERTS PARKING LOT REPAVING,… ADMINISTRATION-GENERAL OFFICE Salaries-Lay (Part-time) Other Compensation-Lay Ben-Ins-W/C-Lay Ben-Pensions-Lay Employer FICA Contract Services-Administration Bank Charges Supplies-Office Supplies-Miscellaneous KITCHEN SUPPLIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT Materials-Books Telephone-Local 01/22/2013 13:13:55 98.02 372.95 1,228.17 ,,. ,,. 297.00 ,,. ,,. 47.98 ,,. 2,059.70 Page 8 Yearly Budget Planning Report Fiscal Year: 2013 GL Account Account Description 91-01-02-8245 91-01-02-8311 91-01-02-8431 91-01-02-8439 91-01-02-8511 91-01-02-8621 91-01-02-8622 Sub Total 2011 Budget INTERNET SERVICE
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Your income is directly related to your philosophy, NOT the economy. | Jim Rohn