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By using this marketing Store Brand And Marketing Strategies template, you start with a strong basic template you can use to create the perfect one. Which is giving you more time to focus on what really matters! Using this marketing template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, work and business!
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Store brand and marketing strategies in the development of retailers and in the relations among industries Abstract This work is part of a large research on the role of the store brand as a driver for the development of mass retailers in food and no food sectors.. According to Quelch and Harding (1996), private labels represent a serious threat for the manufacturing industry, due to a series of concomitant factors, such as: the growing quality level, the development of premium private labels, the development of innovative channels – mass merchandisers and warehouse clubs – able to launch their own new threatening brands at a national scale, and the development of new product categories potentially “conquerable” by retailers.. Planning of assortments, identification of product categories with high description value in the consumers’ choices, interchange between purchase and consume processes, “discriminate” use of space in the retailer, re-configuration of sale concept in the perspective of consumes, packaging highlighting information contents (not only emotional ones), represent competitive features between firms requiring a synergic and shared approach - sided by policies of pricing, promotion, advertising, merchandising, co-category management - in the mutual research of improvement (Dioletta and Sansone, 2000).. The planning of assortments, the identification of highly distinctive categories, the information exchange about purchasing and consumption processes, the discriminated use of spaces inside point of sales and the restyling of product packages towards higher informational, emotional and reassuring contents: these represent some of the elements characterising the current competitive scenarios, which therefore require a synergic and collaborative approach for the definition of pricing, promotion, advertising, merchandising and co-category management policies in order to find and focus areas of reciprocal improvements.. The small manufacturer enterprises whi
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