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Feel free to download our basic or advanced finance templates, they are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as PDF, WORD, PPT, XLS (Excel includes formulas and can calculate sums automatically), etc.
Using this Annual Operating Budget financial template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, education, work, and business!
Download this professional Annual Operating Budget template now!
Looking for more? Our collection of financial documents, templates, forms, and spreadsheets includes templates designed specifically for small business owners, private individuals, or Finance Staff. Find financial projections to calculate your startup expenses, payroll costs, sales forecast, cash flow, income statement, balance sheet, break-even analysis, financial ratios, cost of goods sold, amortization and depreciation for your company. These financial templates also work with OpenOffice and Google Spreadsheets, so if you are operating your business on a very tight budget, hopefully, you'll be able to make these financial templates work for you as well.
VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OF LICENSING PROGRAMS ANNUAL WORKING BUDGET DATE: NAME OF FACILITY: REVENUE (ANTICIPATED) Date: to Fees for Care Fees from Other Clients/Services Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds Endowment(s)/Trust Fund(s) Income from Investments Donations/Solicitations Other (Specify) TOTAL REVENUE: Annual Operating Statement and Working Budget Page 2 EXPENSES (ANTICIPATED) Date: to 1.. SALARIES, WAGES, AND BENEFITS Salaries and Wages FICA (Social Security) Health Care Insurance Group Life Insurance Employer Retirement Contributions Other Benefits (Specify) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES, AND BENEFITS EXPENSES Annual Operating Statement and Working Budget Page 3 EXPENSES (ANTICIPATED) Date: to 3.. OPERATIONS Food Rent and Mortgage Utilities Maintenance Repairs Equipment Supplies Laundry and Linens Motor Vehicles Staff Travel Staff Training Contractual Services (Specify) Other (Specify) TOTAL OPERATIONS EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES (Administration Salaries, Wages, and Benefits and Operations): .
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