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See header line 5 Price type Fixed retail price including tax if any: use fixed or suggested retail price (SRP) when the supplier price is calculated by discounting from a retail price Fixed retail price excluding tax SRP per unit including tax where applicable SRP per unit excluding tax Actual sale price per unit including tax where applicable Actual sale price per unit excluding tax M D MonetaryAmount CurrencyCode D M CountryCode PriceQualifierCode FixedRPIncludingTax FixedRPExcludingTax SRPIncludingTax SRPExcludingTax SoldAtPriceIncludingTax SoldAtPriceExcludingTax Net cost price per unit including tax where applicable UnitCostIncludingTax Net cost price per unit excluding tax UnitCostExcludingTax 10 Terms: either 11 or 12 (or both) must be present unless the transaction is based on a net unit cost price.. See header line 5 D CountryCode Version 1.0 Page 7 of 3 10 March 2009 EDItX: EDItEUR XML transaction message formats Sales Report Table 1 – List of format code values based upon ONIX for Books Epublication Type codes (Code List 10) ONIX List 10 Code Value n/a 001 025 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 024 026 027 028 029 030 031 098 099 Version 1.0 EDItX Format Code Comments PrintOnDemand HTML TXT PDF PDFMerchant AdobeEbookReader MicrosftReaderLevel1-3 MicrosoftReaderLevel5 NetLibrary MetaText MightyWords PalmReader Softbook RocketBook GemstarREB1100 GemstarREB1200 FranklinBookman Books24x7 DigitalOwl Handheldmed WizeUp TK3 LItraweb MobiPocket OpenEbook GoReader Ebrary TownCompassDataViewer Exebook SonyBBeB VitaSourceBookshelf AdobeDigitalEditions MyLibrary Kindle MultipleFormats Other Added for this format ONIX code list 10 Issue 1 Not in ONIX code list 10 ONIX code list 10 Issue 1 ONIX code list 10 Issue 6 ONIX code list 10 Issue 8 ONIX code list 10 Issue 8 ONIX code list 10 Issue 8 ONIX code list 10 Issue 8 ONIX code list 10 Issue 8 ONIX code list 10 Issue 7 – Unspecified – other format Page 8 of 3 1
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My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job. | Ted Turner