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We believe we offer something special, in our commitment to high quality learning and teaching, the enthusiasm of our staff, and the friendliness of our community.” Stephen Marston Vice-Chancellor 2012-2017 Strategic Plan Contents Strategic Plan 2012-2017 At a Glance 2 Context and Purpose 4 Mission, Vision and Values Mission Vision Values Learning and Teaching Ten things we do well Enterprise, Employability and Community Engagement Degreeplus Research and Scholarship Research we are involved in 6-7 6 6 7 8-9 9 10-11 11 12 12 Partnerships Strategic Partnership with further education colleges 14-15 15 A Successful Organisation Sustainable Development 16-17 17 Centred on Students Annex A - Summaries underpinning strategies Learning and Teaching Research International Business Development Sport Sustainability People and Culture Finance ICT Estates Annex B - The Strategic Plan Development Process Tel: 0844 801 0001 Web: 18 20-23 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 2 University of Gloucestershire Strategic Plan 2012-2017 At at Glance: Our Mission: Our Goals: ‘Founded on values, centred on students, focused on learning’ 1.. Through Degreeplus students can access: • careers information, advice and guidance • skills workshops • enterprise support • work placements • volunteering opportunities • links with local employers • a new high-quality workplace internship programme • graduate vacancies • the Employable Gloucestershire Graduate Scheme (EGGS) These opportunities help students develop their employability and confidence, building a portfolio of experience to include in their Higher Education Achievement Report.. The new sustainability ambitions of the university for 2012-17 are focused on improving: • performance - improve sustainability performance and meet our carbon commitments Tel: 0844 801 0001 Web: • align the university’s commitment to sustainability with the Degreeplus programme to progress employability and business development, and
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