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Using this Nonprofit Development Budget financial template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, education, work, and business!
Download this professional Nonprofit Development Budget template now!
Looking for more? Our collection of financial documents, templates, forms, and spreadsheets includes templates designed specifically for small business owners, private individuals, or Finance Staff. Find financial projections to calculate your startup expenses, payroll costs, sales forecast, cash flow, income statement, balance sheet, break-even analysis, financial ratios, cost of goods sold, amortization and depreciation for your company. These financial templates also work with OpenOffice and Google Spreadsheets, so if you are operating your business on a very tight budget, hopefully, you'll be able to make these financial templates work for you as well.
For more information contact: Barbara Clemenson, CPA, CFRE SDG Nonprofit Consulting 330 East 266 Street Euclid, Ohio 44132 Phone: Cell: E-mail: Barbara Clemenson 216.731.2396 216.262.0390 barbara501c3 6 Chart of Accounts The City Mission Chart of Accounts: Balance Sheet Accounts Assets Assets 1000 1000 Fixed Assets FA 1500-1900 Current Assets CA 1000-1400 Assets 1500-1600 Cash Cash Equivalents 1000 Buildings 1540-FA-00 Operating Account 1030-CA-00 Petty Cash 1040-CA-00 Investment Account 1050-CA-00 Prepaid Expenses 1340-CA-00 Current Liabilities CL 2000-2500 Payables 2000 Accumulated Depreciation 1700 Land 1530-FA-00 Land Improvements 1535-FA-00 Office Account 1010-CA-00 Building Improvments 1550-FA-00 Furniture Equipment 1560-FA-00 Vehicles 1580-FA-00 Accounts Payable 2050-CL-00 A/D Land Improvements 1700-FA-00 A/D Buildings 1710-FA-00 Designated Funds Payable 2060-CL-00 Wage Garnishments 2080-CL-00 A/D Building Improvements 1720-FA-00 A/D Furniture Equipment 1730-FA-00 A/D Vehicles 1740-FA-00 Construction in Progress 1590-FA-00 Accrued Expenses 2300 Accrued Taxes 2370-CL-00 Accrued Expenses 2380-CL-00 Receivables 1200 Short Term Liabilities 2390-2400 Accounts Receivable 1200-CA-00 Pledges Receivable 1210-CA-00 Barbara Clemenson Net Assets Net Assets 3000 3000 NA NA Liabilities Liabilities 2000 2000 Long-Term Liabilities LL 2600-2900 Long Term Liability 2600-LL-00 Deferred Revenue 2700 Capital Campaign 1 2700-LL-00 Capital Campaign 2 2750-LL-00 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 3000-FB-00 Released from Temporarily Net Assets 3100-FB-00 Permanently Restricted Net Assets 3300-FB-00 Unrestricted Net Assets 3500-FB-00 Unearned Income 2390-CL-00 7 Short Term Liabilities 2400-CL-00 Chart of Accounts The City Mission Chart of Accounts: Income Statement Income Accounts Income 4000 Cash Income 4000-4800 Cash Donations 4000-4770 Regular Contributions RC 4000 to 4300 Donor Acquisition Program DA 4400 Rental Income RI 4780-4790 Special Events SE 4700-4770 Dire
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