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By using this marketing Marketing Organization Chart template, you start with a strong basic template you can use to create the perfect one. Which is giving you more time to focus on what really matters! Using this marketing template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, work and business!
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PR Manager, SPA, SIS Rebecca Basu PR Manager, CAS, Arts Ericka Floyd PR Manager, Kogod, SOC Solace Duncan PR Coordinator Online Content AU Homepage Editorial Content Strategy American Magazine Annual Report Laura Garner Associate Director, Content Strategy Adrienne Frank Managing Editor, Magazine Mike Unger Writer, Magazine Julie Zito AVP, Marketing Brand Integration, Advertising, Client Service, Management Angela Catanzano Account Manager, CAS, Undergraduate Admissions and Programs Jovandra Cox Account Manager, Kogod, SPExS, SOC, and Provost Jean Goldberg Account Manager, DAR, SIS, and SPA Dennis Fleming Designer Vacant Copywriter/Writer University Video Ali Kahn Editor/Writer Matt Fredericks Director Vacant Editor/Writer Sam Hakes Video Editor Creative Design Digital Strategy Communications Maria Jackson Senior Designer, Magazine Vacant Director Henrique Siblesz Senior Designer, Branding Rebecca Vander Linde Manager Maggie Barrett Managing Editor Greg Sangillo Online Writer Marketing Rena Münster Designer Jel Montoya-Reed Designer/Web Specialist UCM Administration Colleen Mahoney Associate Director, Admin Photography Jeff Watts Photography Michelle Fleitz Systems Analyst Lacey Gentry Administrative Coordinator.
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Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn