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The qualitative phase will probe the following: ● How and where olive oil is stored in the home ● The kinds of olive oil that are usually kept ● Olive oils of which householders are aware ● What olive oil is currently used for ● Which groups of people are most likely to make use of this high-quality olive oil ● The quantities they are likely to buy ● Whether they would be prepared to pay more for Domestoil ● Whether the brand name Domestoil is confused with one for household bleach.. The questionnaire will probe the following: ● What kinds of olive oil are usually kept ● What other kinds of olive oil are householders aware of ● What is olive oil currently used for ● Which groups of people are most likely to make use of high-quality olive oil ● What quantities are they likely to buy ● Would they be prepared to pay more for Domestoil Where possible, questions will be pre-coded, but, for costing purposes, we have assumed five open-ended questions and a maximum duration of ten minutes.. Week Activity 1–4 Desk research 4–6 Qualitative fieldwork 7 Qualitative/desk research report available 8 Questionnaire development 9 Pilot (n = 15) 10 Pilot debriefing 11–12 Quantitative stage (n = 200) 12–13 Coding and data preparation 14 Analysis 16 Presentation 19 Final report available The fees quoted below are exclusive of VAT and are subject to the standard terms and conditions, which are appended..
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