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Effective Library Internships: A Toolkit for Success Appendix G 62
Appendix G:
Sample Acceptance and Rejection Letters
Requesting Interview
EMAIL SUBJECT: [Internship Title] at [Library]
ank you for applying for an internship with [Library]! We have reviewed your ap-
plication materials and would like to schedule an interview. Please respond with your
availability for a one-hour meeting/phone call on [Available Dates]. Again, thank you,
[Contact Name]
[Contact Title]
[Contact Email Address]
Acceptance Email
EMAIL SUBJECT: [Internship Title] at [Library]
ank you for applying for an internship with [Library]! We are pleased to oer you the
position of [Internship Title] at [Library] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I would like to
schedule a conversation to discuss next steps and details within the next week. Please
respond with your availability for a one-hour meeting/phone call on [Available Dates].
We look forward to working with you!
[Contact Name]
[Contact Title]
[Contact Email Address]
Rejection Email with Volunteer Offer
EMAIL SUBJECT: [Internship Title] at [Library]
ank you for applying for an internship with [Library]! Unfortunately we are unable to
oer you this internship at this time. However, we would love for you to consider contrib-
uting your skills and expertise with us as a volunteer! If this is something of interest to you,
please ll out the aached volunteer application and submit it to [contact information].
Again, thank you for your interest,
[Contact Name]
[Contact Title]
[Contact Email Address]

The absolute fundamental aim is to make money out of satisfying customers. | John Egan