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Sample Debt Validation Letter
(Send via certified mail, return receipt requested)
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip
Collection Agency Name
Collection Agency Address
Collection Agency City, State, Zip
RE: Account # (Fill in Account Number)
To Whom It May Concern:
Be advised this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice that your claim is disputed and validation is
requested. Under the Fair Debt collection Practices Act (FDCPA), I have the right to request validation
of the debt you say I owe you. I am requesting proof that I am indeed the party you are asking to pay this
debt, and there is some contractual obligation that is binding on me to pay this debt.
This is NOT a request for “verification” or proof of my mailing address, but a request for VALIDATION
made pursuant to 15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b) of the FDCPA. I respectfully request that your offices
provide me with competent evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay you.
At this time I will also inform you that if your offices have or continue to report invalidated information
to any of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, Trans Union), this action might constitute
fraud under both federal and state laws. Due to this fact, if any negative mark is found or continues to
report on any of my credit reports by your company or the company you represent, I will not hesitate in
bringing legal action against you and your client for the following: Violation of the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act and Defamation of Character.
I am sure your legal staff will agree that non-compliance with this request could put your company in
serious legal trouble with the FTC and other state or federal agencies.
If your offices are able to provide the proper documentation as requested in the following declaration, I
will require 30 days to investigate this information and during such time all collection activity must cease
and desist. Also, during this validation period, if any action is taken which could be considered
detrimental to any of my credit reports, I will consult with legal counsel for suit. This includes any listing
of any information to a credit-reporting repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated. If your offices
fail to respond to this validation request within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all references to this
account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit file and a copy of such deletion request
shall be sent to me immediately.

People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin