HTML Preview Blank Chase Bank Statement page number 1.

Make sure your checkbook register is up to date with all transactions, whether they are included on your statement or not.
Step 1 Balance: $
Step 2 Total: + $
Step 3 Total: $
Step 4 Total: - $
1. Write in the Ending Balance shown on your statement:
2. List and total all deposits and additions not shown on your statement:
3. Add Step 2 Total to Step 1 Balance.
4. List and total all checks, ATM withdrawals, debit card purchases and
other withdrawals not shown on your statement:
Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
Date Description Amount Date Description Amount
5. Subtract Step 4 Total from Step 3 Total. This should match your
Checkbook Balance:

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower