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University of California, Berkeley
Advertising Request Form
Please complete and submit this form if you are interested in placing an ad on a campus shuttle, bus
shelter, or other media. Once the form has been completed, simply click "Submit to OMBO" and your
request will be submitted by email to [email protected]. Thank you.
Company/Campus Unit
Address 2
City State Zip Code
I am interested in the following (check all that apply):
Mining Circle - PSA
Hearst - West of North Gate
Hearst - East of Leroy
Type of Organization
I. Requesting Department/Organization/Company Information
Address 1/Mail Code
II. Advertising Options (Please identify below which advertising options you are most interested in.)
Phone Number
Date of Request
West Gate - PSA
Bancroft - West of Dana Street
Bus Shelter Ad Run
1 - 3 Months
3 - 6 Months
6 - 9 Months
12 Months or longer
School Academic Calendar: Visit
2150 Kittredge Suite 500A(MC 1928) Berkeley, CA 94720-1928 T: 510.642-9120 F: 510.666.2550
Bus Shelter Locations
Galey Rd - South of University Ave.
Galey Rd - North of Greek Thtr.
Bancroft - West of College Ave.
Bus Shelter Information
Cost*: Varies. Contact OMBO
Overall Poster Size: 47" x 68"
Visual Poster Size: 46" x 67"
Illuminated: Yes
Submit to OMBO

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. | Tony Dorsett