HTML Preview Annual Meeting Agenda page number 1.

Annual Meeting Agenda
I. Meeting called to order – John Daven, President
II. Election of chairperson to conduct the meeting
III. Election of clerk to record business of the meeting
IV. Approval of past minutes – Annual Meeting of 2015
V. Approval of 2015-16 Report on Revenues
VI. Approval of 2015-16 Report on Expenditures
VII. Chairperson calls for new business
A. Authorize the school board to establish the date and time for the 2017
annual meeting
B. Establish salaries for school board members – school board members are
currently compensated $1,400 annually
C. Authorize the payment of actual and necessary expenses of school board
members when traveling in the performance of duties
D. Approve Tax Levy
The school board requests approval of a tax levy of $2,098,296 as
established by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The mill
rate for this tax levy is .01189642
E. Authorize the school board to dispose of surplus property
F. Authorize the school board to furnish school lunches to the pupils of the
school district and appropriate funds for that purpose
G. Authorize the school board to short-term borrow to meet current
operational expenses, if necessary
H. Authorize the school board to hold cash assets of the school district at the
Nekoosa-Port Edwards State Bank
I. Entertain any other matters provided by law relating to the management
and operation of school affairs
VIII. Call for Adjournment of the Annual Meeting and commence a special session of
the Board of Education
A. Adopt the 2016-17 Budget
B. Establish the 2016-17 Tax Levy
C. Set Final Procedures for Selection of Board Member to Fill Vacant Seat
D. Consider Approval of New Board Member
E. Adjournment

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