The Ohio State University – University Policies policies.osu.edu/ Page 1 of 9
Paid Leave Programs, 6.27
University Policy
Applies to: Faculty and staff
Responsible Office Office of Human Resources
Issued: 06/22/1997
Revised: 05/01/2013
Edited: 03/13/2017
The university strives to recruit and retain a world-class faculty and staff and to stand out as an employer of choice. The
university recognizes that supporting faculty and staff as they balance career and family life ultimately benefits the faculty, staff
and institution alike. The university provides paid vacation, sick, parental, jury duty/court appearance and organ donation leave
to respond to employee needs. Vacation donation provides financial assistance during approved unpaid leaves for: life
threatening illness or injury of self or immediate family members; childbirth, adoption and foster care placement; or death of an
immediate family member.
Purpose of the Policy
To provide guidance on and consistent application of paid leave benefits designed to support faculty and staff as they
balance career, personal and family life.
Conditions under which an employee is eligible to receive pay and includes but is not limited to vacation leave,
sick leave, overtime, compensatory time off and holidays.
A child up to 18 years of age who is adopted through public, private, domestic, international or independent
means and who is not the stepchild of the adoptive parent.
The date used to determine the amount of service for the calculation of vacation leave accrual purposes. This
date reflects an employee’s total service at Ohio State or with the State of Ohio and any of its political
One who gives birth to a child.
One who is not the birth mother and who is legally responsible for child-rearing.
Includes any one of the following: father, mother, spouse, adoptive parent, domestic partner, or employee
using a surrogate/gestational carrier.
One who, via a legal process, has taken a child into one’s family.
An opposite- or same-sex adult partner who has met the requirements of and has a completed Certificate of
Domestic Partnership on file with the department and the Office of Human Resources.
One who has undergone a placement proceeding to assume child-rearing responsibilities.
Spouse; domestic partner; mother; father; sister; brother; biological, adopted or foster child; stepchild; legal
ward; grandparent; grandchild; mother-in-law; father-in-law; sister-in-law; brother-in-law; daughter-in-law; son-
in-law; grandparent-in-law; grandchild-in-law; or corresponding relatives of the employee's partner; other
persons for whom the employee is legally responsible; individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee
when the employee was a child; and a child of a person standing in loco parentis to the child who is under 18
year of age or 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.
To use leave for the care of a domestic partner or for the corresponding relative of the partner, a completed
Certificate of Domestic Partnership must be on file with Human Resources Benefits Services
Life threatening illness or
An illness, injury, impairment or physical condition that a licensed physician certifies as terminal or life
State of Ohio and any of
its political subdivisions
Includes city, county and state employers within Ohio and Ohio National Guard service.