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Please complete the reverse side of the Change of Ownership form
1 of 2
First names (or company name) Last name
First names (or company name) Last name
First names (or company name) Last name
First names (or company name) Last name
Town, city or district Post code
Signature of witness
Name of witness Signature
Current owner 1.
This Change of Ownership form is valid for 60 days from the date the
form is completed and will not take effect until processed by Sovereign.
New owner
contact details
Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Other (please specify)Please circle one
Please complete this form if you wish to transfer the ownership of your policy (or policies) to another person(s) or company.
New owner 2.
(if applicable)
Policy details
Please provide the policy number(s) and today's date.
Policy number(s)
Date form completed
/ /
Current owner(s) details
All policy owners must complete and sign. All signatures must be witnessed by a person aged 16 or above, who is not associated with the policy or policies.
Signature of witness
Name of witness Signature
Current owner 2. (if applicable)
Signature of witness
Name of witness Signature
Current owner 3. (if applicable)
New owner(s) details
The new policy owner can be a person or persons aged 16 or above, a company or a bank. The new owner(s) cannot be a family trust; however, ownership can
be transferred to individual trustees without mentioning the trust or the fact that individuals are trustees. If the new owner is a bank, the bank must stamp and
sign the form. All new policy owners must complete and sign the form. All signatures must be witnessed by a person aged 16 or above, who is not associated
with the policy or policies.
New owner 1.
(new owner 1 will be the mailing address for the policy)
SignatureDate of birth
/ /
Mailing address
Mobile ( )
Home ( ) Business ( )
Name of witness Signature of witness
Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Other (please specify)Please circle one
First names (or company name) Last name
Town, city or district Post code
New owner
contact details
SignatureDate of birth
/ /
Mailing address
Mobile ( )
Home ( ) Business ( )
Name of witness Signature of witness

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein