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irst Name Last Name Date of Procedure
PreOperative Diagnosis: ________________________________________________________________________
PostOperative Diagnosis: ________________________________________________________________________
Procedure: ________________________________________________________________________
Physician: ________________________________________________________________________
Anesthesia: ________________________________________________________________________
EBL: ________________________________________________________________________
Complications: ________________________________________________________________________
Disposition: ________________________________________________________________________
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After signing consent, the patient was taken to the O.R. where he/she was marked in a standing position. A
preoperative assessment was completed and no significant discrepancies were detected when compared to
the original history and physical examination.
With continuous electrocardiac monitoring and intermittent automatic B.P. monitoring, the patient was
positioned comfortably so as to permit infiltration of local anesthetic and liposuction with optimal exposure of
treated areas.
The targeted areas were scrubbed with hibiclin. In selected areas, small intradermal blebs of local
anesthesia were infiltrated and appropriate 3 to 5mm incisions were placed for eventual passage of
liposuction cannulas. The immediate next step involved infiltration of local anesthesia, using Tumescent
Technique 4450ml of the solution was infiltrated with the aid of a peristaltic pump using standard tumescent
anesthetic technique.
After completing the infiltration of local anesthetic solution, liposuction was carried out using standard
cannulas. Total volume of aspirate was 2400ml. Total volume of Supranate was 600ml. Total Volume of
Infranate was 1800ml. Patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications. Estimated blood
loss was negligible. Because the incision sites were so small, there were no sutures used.
Immediately postoperative, the wounds were covered with sterile gauze pads and elastic support garments
were placed. Next orthostatic blood pressure and pulse measurements were clinically unremarkable.
Patient was transferred to Recovery Room in good condition, and given wound care and postoperative
Tumescent Liposuction
Julio C. Novoa, M.D.
Tumescent Anesthesia (Specific concentration and amount documented on IntraOperative Sheet)

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