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2016 VAP CP Annual Training Agenda
November 1, 2016
Ohio Department of Transportation Central Office
1980 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43223
8:00 AM Registration
8:30 AM
Voluntary Action Program (VAP) Updates and Site Assistance and Brownfield Revitalization
(SABR) UpdatesMartin Smith
9:00 AM Abandoned Gas Station Grant Program UpdateApril Stevens, ODSA & Katie Courtright
9:25 AM Legal issues with CNSs, O&M Plans, and Environmental CovenantsSue Kroger
10:00 AM Morning Break
10:15 AM
Risk Assessment Updates: Vapor Intrusion Guidance - Direction and scope of updates; TCE
Imminent Hazard MemoMike Allen
10:45 AM Certified Professional Standards of Conduct DiscussionMartin Smith
11:15 AM Lessons Learned for Faster CNS ApprovalSydney Poole
11:45 AM Lunch
12:45 PM Emerging Risk Issues- PFOA/PFOS and Lead
Sarah Beal
1:15 PM Case Study: Glastic Jefferson ProjectSteve Gross & Sue Netzly-Watkins
1:45 PM Vapor Intrusion Sites - Examples and Case StudiesMartin Smith
2:15 PM Afternoon Break
2:30 PM Lab Sample Preparation Issues and Method Choices Ray Risden, Test America
3:15 PM New TGC DDAGW NOVs for Improper Well Abandonment
Doug Switzer
3:45 PM GIS Web Site Tool for USDs DemonstrationSydney Poole
4:00 PM Closing Remarks

The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. | Unknown