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Employee Health Savings Account Payroll
Deduction Authorization Form
Use this form to withhold money from your semi-monthly paycheck and deposit it into your Health
Equity health savings account (HSA) on a pre-tax basis. You must be enrolled in High Deductible
Health Plan (HDHP) before you can start a payroll deduction.
I wish to:
Begin a deduction Stop my deduction Effective date ________________________
Section 1: Employee Information
Name (Last, First, Middle initial)
Last 4 digits of SS number or employee ID
Phone E-mail
Section 2: Calculate You Maximum HSA Contribution
Use the worksheet below to determine how much you can contribute to your HSA in 2016.
Individual Family
Maximum contribution in your HSA
for 2016:
Maximum contribution in your HSA for
Are you age 55 or older?
If NO, write $0.
If YES, write $1,000.
Are you age 55 or older?
If NO, write $0.
If YES, write $1,000.
How much your employer will
contribute in 2016*:
How much your employer will
contribute in 2016*:
A + B - C =
This is the most you can contribute in 2016.
A + B - C =
This is the most you can contribute in 2016.
*Individual will receive $250/yr and Family will receive $500/yr if you are an active employee enrolled all 12
months. Please check with your insurance representative if you have questions.
Section 3: Calculate Your Per-paycheck HSA Contribution
Continue the worksheet to determine how much you will contribute to your HSA per paycheck.
Individual Family
Total from D
Total from D
Number of paychecks you will
receive in 2016 (
24 for a full year
Number of paychecks you will receive
in 2016 (
24 for a full year
D ÷ E =
This is the most you can contribute per
D ÷ E =
This is the most you can contribute per
Amount you elect to contribute to your HSA per
paycheck (can be any amount up to or less than F):
Amount you elect to contribute to your HSA per paycheck
(can be any amount up to or less than F):
If your contributions exceed the amount in box D, you risk paying IRS tax penalties.
Section 4: Employee’s Signature
By signing this form, I am requesting that payroll deductions be started or changed as shown in Section 3 above
and agree to the preceding terms. I understand there are maximum limits I can contribute to my HSA per IRS
rules and I may be liable for tax penalties if I exceed this amount.
Employee’s signature Date

People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin