LTEval (ILTC) 2003
Leadership Training Evaluation Form
(to be completed by all Leaders, JCs, Junior Leaders, Staff)
The International Leadership Training and Development Committee (ILTC) would like your feedback about the training
you received prior to your CISV experience. Please take some time to complete this evaluation form and return it to the
address below within 2 weeks from the end of your programme. Your director or Local Interchange Co-ordinator may
decide to collect the forms from you and mail them to the International Office for you.
Please be honest with your feedback. The information that you provide will be used to address general trends regarding
training in your National Association (NA). Your name will not
be shared with your NA.
Thank you for your feedback. Your input will help us assess and improve the effectiveness of CISV leadership training.
Your Name: e-mail:
National Association:
Local Chapter (if applicable):
Programme Attended: Reference Number:
1. Did you receive leadership training prior to attending your CISV programme? Yes No
(proceed to #3) (proceed to #2)
2. If no, was there a reason why you didn’t receive training?
I was selected late
I was unable to attend training sessions that were arranged
3. If yes, how many days/hours was the training you received?
4. Overall, do you feel that the training you received adequately prepared you for your CISV experience?
Yes No
(proceed to #6) (proceed to #5)
5. If no, please explain why. (use the back of the page if necessary)
6. Which of the following topics were covered in your training? (check all that apply)
Roles and Responsibilities
Leadership / Facilitation
Educational Content
Working with Parents
Cultural Sensitivity
Risk Management
Decision Making
Handling Conflicts
Information Specific to your
CISV Programme
Team Building / Group
How to plan an activity
7. Based on your experience, was there anything that you feel you should have received training in but
didn’t? Yes No
8. Based on your experience, how would you improve the training/preparation you received? Are there any
areas you feel that should have been covered in your training? Please specify.
9. Have you previously been in this same leadership position at a similar CISV programme (i.e. have you
been a Village Leader before and are a Village Leader now?)?
Yes No
Please return your completed form to:
CISV International Ltd. (Attn: ILTC), MEA House, Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8XS ENGLAND