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World's Best Cover Letter
Sample Resignation Letter
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Supervisor
Supervisor Title
Company and Address
Your Name
Your Current Position
Your Address
Dear Supervisor's First Name,
I am writing you to announce that I have decided to resign my employment from (your company's name) effective
(last date of employment - you should give a two (2) week notice). I appreciate the opportunity that you and
(company's name) have given me to develop my professional skills and my career.
My decision to resign is based upon an opportunity that I believe is consistent with my career goals, and therefore,
is final.
I will make every effort to leave on the best of terms by completing my assignments and making smooth
transitions for those who will be taking over my responsibilities.
I look forward to having an exit interview discussion if you feel it is appropriate.
Your Name

We generate fears while we sit. We over come them by action. Fear is natures way of warning us to get busy. | Dr. Henry Link