HTML Preview Reunion Meeting Minutes Agenda page number 1.

PO Box 173
McLean, VA 22101-0173
Agenda 2018 173d ABN BDE ASSN Reunion Committee Meeting
10 December 2016
Recap 8 October meeting Subcommittee task leaders:
o Registration subcommittee leader Ken Smith
Jack Kranchick assisting
o Activities subcommittee need leader
Tours Henry Persons
Transportation coordinator Terry Walsh
o Entertainment subcommittee leader Chuck Dugo (Hospitality & Banquet
o Publicity subcommittee Mack Brooks
o Security subcommittee Roy Gilmore
Key subcommittees still vacant need to get volunteer leaders identified.
o Finance
o Fundraising (donations/sponsors, etc.)
o VIP Coordinator
o Vendor Coordinator
Established a Reunion Executive committee others welcome to join
o Executive Committee
Joe Flesch Reunion Director
Gene Cartier Project Management
Mack Brooks Deputy Director
o ConOps Team Effort -
Subcommittee responsibilities:
ID required sub-tasks and coordinate with Gene Cartier
Establish time lines
Recruit staff
Report status (need all sub-tasks developed NLT Jan 5)
Use Chapter website Events tab - 2018 Reunion Work Page
Review lessons learned from previous Reunions
Review Draft Reunion Agenda (Program of Events)
Select a theme for the 2018 Reunion
Next Steps
o Joe Flesch attends ASSN Mid-Winter Conference OKC 13-15 January
Attend BOD Meeting coordinate with OKC Reunion staff
Brief ASSN leadership on our 2018 planning
Group Discussion

The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. | Lilly Tomlin