HTML Preview Reunion Meeting Minutes Agenda page number 1.

PO Box 173
McLean, VA 22101-0173
Agenda 2018 173d ABN BDE ASSN Reunion Committee Meeting
10 December 2016
Recap 8 October meeting Subcommittee task leaders:
o Registration subcommittee leader Ken Smith
Jack Kranchick assisting
o Activities subcommittee need leader
Tours Henry Persons
Transportation coordinator Terry Walsh
o Entertainment subcommittee leader Chuck Dugo (Hospitality & Banquet
o Publicity subcommittee Mack Brooks
o Security subcommittee Roy Gilmore
Key subcommittees still vacant need to get volunteer leaders identified.
o Finance
o Fundraising (donations/sponsors, etc.)
o VIP Coordinator
o Vendor Coordinator
Established a Reunion Executive committee others welcome to join
o Executive Committee
Joe Flesch Reunion Director
Gene Cartier Project Management
Mack Brooks Deputy Director
o ConOps Team Effort -
Subcommittee responsibilities:
ID required sub-tasks and coordinate with Gene Cartier
Establish time lines
Recruit staff
Report status (need all sub-tasks developed NLT Jan 5)
Use Chapter website Events tab - 2018 Reunion Work Page
Review lessons learned from previous Reunions
Review Draft Reunion Agenda (Program of Events)
Select a theme for the 2018 Reunion
Next Steps
o Joe Flesch attends ASSN Mid-Winter Conference OKC 13-15 January
Attend BOD Meeting coordinate with OKC Reunion staff
Brief ASSN leadership on our 2018 planning
Group Discussion

There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. | General Douglas MacArthur