Payee: Unique ID:
Trip Dates: From: To:
Time of departure from home or Duke (circle one):
Time of return to home or Duke (circle one):
Conference name and city, state of venue:
Paper Title:
Poster Title:
Did you receive any awards towards your expenses?
Conference Grant Graduate School Grant
Other Grant
Conference Travel Expense Summary
TRAVEL DETAILS (all fields required)
Use this form as a coversheet to submit documentation of all expenses incurred while traveling. Provide all information pertinent to accounting
for your trip, including your advisor's name, all funding source(s), and all expenses.
The Department can pre-pay your airfare, conference registration, and sometimes shuttle & hotel in advance of the trip. See Kathleen for help
with this. When preparing this form, indicate clearly which expenses were prepaid (include all email receipts) and which ones you are
sumbitting for reimbursement. List expenses in date order and arrange receipts to match.
Special note: Meal receipts need to show itemization when possible, and the tip must show in order for it to be reimbursed. Alcohol may not
be reimbursed, and meal receipts that include alcohol may not be reimbursed.
Currency if not
Paid by Duke
Credit Card (CC)
or to be
Description (Breakfst, Lunch, Dinner, Taxi, Parking, etc)