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Model Partnership Agreement - Equal Partners
This indenture made, the ( ) day of ( ) 20
Between (name) of (address) in the County of ( ) veterinary surgeon of the
one part, (name)of (address) in the County of ( ) veterinary surgeon of the
second part, (name ) of (address) in the County of ( ) veterinary surgeon in the
third part, (name) of ( address) in the County of ( ).
WHEREAS the said (Vet 1) (Vet 2) and (Vet 3) have carried on the business of
veterinary surgeons in partnership for some time past as equal partners and whereas
the said (Vet 1), (Vet 2) and (Vet 3) have agreed to take the said (Vet 4) into
partnership with them in the said business for the period and upon the terms and
conditions subject to the provisions herein contained
NOW THIS INTENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said agreement
they said (Vet 1), (Vet 2) , (Vet 3) and (Vet 4) agree to enter into the business of
veterinary surgeons as partners and hereby mutually covenant and agrees as follows:
1. The Partners will carry in in Partnership at (address) and such other centres as
may be mutually agreed upon the business of veterinary surgeons in
continuation of the like business heretofore carried on by the said (vets 1, 2
and 3).
2. The Partnership shall continue for the terms of five years from the first day of
January 19….. unless previously determined as hereinafter provided. The
death, retirement or bankruptcy of any Partner shall not determine the
partnership of the other Partners.
3. The Partnership business shall be carried on in the premises the property of the
said (Vet 1) at (address), the said (Vet 2) of (address) or such other premises
as may be mutually agreed on by the Partners.
4. Any capital required for the carrying on of the Partnership business shall be
contributed from time to time by the Partners in the shares in which they are
for the time being entitled to the profits of the said business.
5. A Bank Account shall be open in the name of the Partners and all monies
received in respect of the Partnership business shall be paid into this account
and all payments shall be made by cheque to the signed by at least two of the
6. Proper books of accounts and a Diary shall be kept by the Partners at the
business premises.
7. Each Partner shall duly and punctually make full and proper entries of all
business transactions by him on account of the Partnership.

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