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Monthly Performance Report for Schools, Lead Partners and TSO
Federal funds are designed to support school improvement plans that take a new, innovative and systemic approach to improving student
achievement and school quality. As a school or school partner working towards swift and sustainable improvement you are required to submit a
monthly update to the IDOE Outreach Office for School Improvement and the State Board of Education.
The report is designed to meet the federal requirement for schools in priority and focus status as well as provide information that is based on
school and student data.
The report template allows for personalization that matches the school improvement plan you have submitted but also forces the alignment of
goals to research based Turnaround Principles from the USDoE (Core Question 1). The Turnaround Principles are classified into three domains:
Readiness to Learn, Readiness to Teach and Readiness to Act. Information on these three domains and association nine turnaround principles can
be found on the IDOE website at Core Questions 2 & 3 also align to Turnaround Principles, and Core Question 4 is for TSO
operators only.
Your regional outreach coordinator will be available to assist you on behalf of the IDOE as you complete this monthly report.
Please use the reference numbers (1-9) associated with the Turnaround Principles below in each response for Core Questions 1-4.
Readiness to Learn
1. Strong Instructional Program: Implementation of instruction system that is research based, rigorous and aligned with State academic
content standards
2. School Environment: Creation of a school climate that is safe and disciplined.
3. Supportive School Culture: System that supports students’ social, emotional and health needs that improves school safety and supports
4. Family & Community Involvement: School provides a mechanism for engaging family and community

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss