HTML Preview Sample Staff Meeting Minutes page number 1.

Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Meeting Held: FSU Physical Plant, Conference Room A
Present: Mike Hughes, AVP for Physical Plant
Fonda Kuzee, Manager
Mark Eichenberg, Director of Plant Operations/Project Mgmt
Kevin Jackson, Custodial Supervisor
Will Gasper, Grounds Manager
Roger Bula, Environmental Engineer
Jeff Warner, Custodial Supervisor
Ed Shepard, Business Services Manager
Dan Sovinski, Plant Engineer
Absent: Robert Kleeves, Custodial Supervisor
Distribution: Jerry Scoby, VP Administration & Finance
Tom Weaver, AFSCME President
MEETING PURPOSE: Continuation of discussion of Physical Plant activities.
1. A&F Staff Meetings:
a. Tonight is the Governor’s State of the State Address.
b. President’s Council is continuing on-going efforts to control costs related to
higher education. Discussion centered on the University’s unrestricted net assets
that have been discussed in the media recently.
c. The cost of health care is going to increase and there will be forums in the near
future to discuss this topic.
d. The BOT held work sessions on 1/19 to discuss average debt load for a student at
FSU which is approximately $25,000 and the HLC report.
e. IT will be having consultants develop a strategic plan for them.
f. The University Center project has had work done by a consultant. Still need to
address scope of project, budget and timeline. This includes the demolition of
Masselink and Carlisle and relocation of Telecommunications. A transportation
study needs to take place as well.
g. Candidates for Kendall’s President to replace Oliver Evans are taking place.
h. Enrollment increased 162 overall with the Big Rapids campus down 39 students.
Credit hours have increase about 1600 hours. Housing/Dining had an increase of
31 students while meal plans increased by 62%.

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. | Norman Schwarzkopf