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to eat; to have one's meal; to eradicate; to
destroy; to absorb; to suffer; to
tea; tea plant; CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]|cha2
to make a telephone call|da3 dian4 hua4 taxi|chu1 zu1 che1
of; structural particle: used before a noun,
linking it to preceding possessive or
descriptive attributive|de5
big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep;
oldest; eldest|da4
computer; CL:臺|台[tai2]|dian4 nao3
drop (of liquid); stain; spot; speck; jot; dot
stroke (in Chinese characters); decimal
point; point; mark (of degree or level); a
place (with certain characteristics); iron
bell; o’clock; a little; a bit; some; (point)
unit of measurement for type; to touch on
briefly; to make clear; to light; to ignite; to
kindle; period of time at night (24 minutes)
(old); a drip; to dibble; classifier for small
movie; film; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],
場|场[chang3]|dian4 ying3
television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个
[ge4]|dian4 shi4