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Veterans For Peace
Fundraising Event Action Plan
Planning Phase:
During this phase you will be heavily engaged in goal setting and team building activities. Choose a date far enough
in advance to give you ample time to prepare. Be aware of conflicting local and/or national events, as well as
holidays. Use this time to build your committee for the event, including (co-) chair positions. As part of your
fundraising efforts, your event will most likely have a “host committee” and one or more “host committee
chairpersons.” These people are responsible for contributing substantial amounts to the event and encouraging
others to do the same. The host committee is generally composed individuals with strong voices in the peace
movement who have connections within the community. (This helps with advertising the event and building local
support.) The host committee and chairpersons are not responsible for actually running the event, but are integral to
ensuring that you reach your fundraising goals. Depending on the size and type of the event, this phase can last
from one year to six months before the event.
Due Date
Identify purpose: fundraising, cultivation, recognition, education ,other
Select type of event and theme
Identify audience
Secure buy-in from your volunteer leaders
Set initial goals: net profit, expenses
Identify additional sources of revenue
Research and determine date
Identify location and check availability
Identify and recruit chairs and co-chairs
Draft chair and committee chairs, job descriptions and recruit volunteers for committees
Prepare activity timetable

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley