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Preschool Fee Schedule 2016-2017
Annual Fee
Annual Tuition Fee Payment may be paid according to the deposit and monthly payment chart shown above, or it
may be paid in full by June 1, 2016 with a savings of 5% off the total annual fee. This brings it to $11,257.50 for 5 full
The deposit is due at the time of application and is non-refundable. For re-enrolment only (current students), the deposit
for the attendance plan 5 Full Days/Week may be paid in three installments as follows:
April 1, 2016 - $450.00 May 1, 2016 - $400.00 June 1, 2016$330.00
The deposit may also be paid in full at the time of enrolment, and should be deducted from the June 1 payment.
Other Fees and Policies:
Application Fee (non-refundable and due at time of application) - $400.00
Material Fee (non-refundable and due at time of application) Students in preschool use a variety of consumable
materials, e.g. workbooks, photocopies, art supplies, etc. This amount will not be altered due to late enrolment.
- $250.00
Monthly Payments
Monthly payments are due on the first of each month starting September 1, 2016 and ending June 1, 2017.
Payments can be made by cheque, pre-authorized debit or Credit Card (MasterCard or Visa) payment, with 2% surcharge.
Please include post dated cheques for payment by cheque, sign the pre-authorized agreement and include a blank void
cheque for pre-authorized debit or sign the credit card authorization form for credit card payment.
Family Rates
There is a 10% reduction in tuition fees when two or more siblings attend The Laurel School at the same time. The
student with the most frequent attendance plan will be charged the full rate; tuition fees for his/her sibling(s) will be
reduced by 10%.
Withdrawal from the program
There is no reduction in fees for children who withdraw from the school at any point through the school year. The
person responsible for paying fees shall be responsible to pay the full amount due for the academic year.
Late Re-Registration Deposit
Annual fees for students who enroll to begin school after the first school day of the academic year (the day after
Labour Day in September) will be calculated on a daily basis and divided into monthly payments for the months
during which the child will be attending. The standard deposit will still be required at the time of enrolment.
Catered lunches and snacks
Nutritious and delicious catered lunches and snacks are included in the monthly fee and are provided by catering
specialists. All menus are pork-free, and special dietary considerations, such as allergies and vegetarian diets are
happily accommodated. Menus are posted outside the preschool classroom, and copies are available for parents, as
well. Those children who attend half-days will receive a snack and those who attend full days receive two snacks and lunch.
Attendance Plan
Annual Fee
Plus 10 Monthly
5 Full Days/Week
4 Full Days/Week
3 Full Days/Week
2 Full Days/Week
5 Half Days/Week
4 Half Days/Week
3 Half Days/Week

If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours. | Ray Kroc