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BSC Box 290000 00l Opportunity Street
Birmingham, AL 35229-0000 Hometown, TN
205.726.0000 901.266.0000
Education: Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration May 2004
Major: Accounting GPA: 3.5/4.0
Responsible for 60% of college expenses
Accounting Experience:
Big Company, Birmingham, AL Summer, 2003
Tax Intern
Prepared corporate income and franchise tax returns and estimated payments
Researched federal and state tax issues
Hometown CPA, Hometown, TN Dec. 2002 - Jan. 2003
Accounting Intern
Performed basic accounting tasks, accounts payable, and accounts receivable
Prepared payroll tax and sales tax returns, recorded checks in accounting software
XYZ Fraternity, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL 2001-2002
Coordinated planning of chapter budget
Maintained chapter records for income and expenses
Completed quarterly financial reports
Other Work Experience:
Good Enterprises, Hometown, TN Office Assistant Summer 2001
True Sports, Hometown, TN Sales Summers 2000-2001
Sales, cash register operation, customer service
Banquet Restaurant, Hometown, TN Hostess 1998-2000
Honors: Birmingham-Southern College Academic Scholarship Dean's List
Beta Alpha Psi: Financial Information Professional Fraternity
College Activities:
XYZ Fraternity: Treasurer, Rush Chair, Intramurals-volleyball, basketball
Student Government Association: Senator, Committee Chair, Student Activities Council
Volunteer Activities:
Habitat for Humanity Save-a-Life
Price Elementary School Birmingham Clean-up
Cultural Experiences:
Traveled in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England
Computer Skills:
Windows, WordPerfect, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Access, Powerpoint),
QuickBooks, Peachtree
References available upon request
Note: For accounting internship interviews, you may want to include RELATED COURSEWORK.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin