BSC Box 290000 00l Opportunity Street
Birmingham, AL 35229-0000 Hometown, TN
205.726.0000 901.266.0000
Education: Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration May 2004
Major: Accounting GPA: 3.5/4.0
Responsible for 60% of college expenses
Accounting Experience:
Big Company, Birmingham, AL Summer, 2003
Tax Intern
• Prepared corporate income and franchise tax returns and estimated payments
Researched federal and state tax issues
Hometown CPA, Hometown, TN Dec. 2002 - Jan. 2003
Accounting Intern
• Performed basic accounting tasks, accounts payable, and accounts receivable
• Prepared payroll tax and sales tax returns, recorded checks in accounting software
XYZ Fraternity, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL 2001-2002
• Coordinated planning of chapter budget
• Maintained chapter records for income and expenses
• Completed quarterly financial reports
Other Work Experience:
Good Enterprises, Hometown, TN Office Assistant Summer 2001
True Sports, Hometown, TN Sales Summers 2000-2001
• Sales, cash register operation, customer service
Banquet Restaurant, Hometown, TN Hostess 1998-2000
Honors: Birmingham-Southern College Academic Scholarship Dean's List
Beta Alpha Psi: Financial Information Professional Fraternity
College Activities:
XYZ Fraternity: Treasurer, Rush Chair, Intramurals-volleyball, basketball
Student Government Association: Senator, Committee Chair, Student Activities Council
Volunteer Activities:
Habitat for Humanity Save-a-Life
Price Elementary School Birmingham Clean-up
Cultural Experiences:
Traveled in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England
Computer Skills:
Windows, WordPerfect, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Access, Powerpoint),
QuickBooks, Peachtree
References available upon request
Note: For accounting internship interviews, you may want to include RELATED COURSEWORK.