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Tri-College SS 12/12
Academic Action Plan (AAP) For
Achieving Good Academic Standing and Avoiding Academic Suspension
(Complete both sides of this form)
Student _________________________________Rocket ID __________________ Phone______________________
Adviser__________________________________ Office Location _____________ Phone______________________
To improve my opportunities for academic success at UT, I agree to take the steps checked off
_______ I will implement course and time management strategies and make academic planning a priority.
I will meet regularly with my instructor(s) after class or during office hours.
I will meet ____ times during the semester with my academic adviser. My next appointment is on
________________ at ______________am/pm with________________.
_______ I will take timely and full advantage of learning assistance, supplemental instruction, tutoring and
Campus community resources:
Writing Center (1005 Carlson Library, 530-4939)
Chemistry Help Center (2020 BO, 530-2109)
Biology Help Center (1013 BO, 530-2065)
Physics Help Center (2003 MH, 530-2241)
Learning Enhancement Center (Tutoring): Math, Sciences, Spanish, French, German (Carlson Library, B0200)
“Study Guides and Strategies” website:
SI (Supplemental Instruction) if available in my course.
My RA or Hall Director
Student Medical Center (530-3451) or personal physician
Office of Academic Access (Formally the Office of Accessibility) RH 1740, 530-4981)
Career Services and Student Employment (Student Union 1532, 530-4341)
Counseling Center (RH 1810, 530-2426)
Academic Adviser in another department, college or program
_______I will take steps in career planning:
Student’s Signature_______________________ Adviser’s Signature________________________ Date_________

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill