Tri-College SS 12/12
Academic Action Plan (AAP) For
Achieving Good Academic Standing and Avoiding Academic Suspension
(Complete both sides of this form)
Student _________________________________Rocket ID __________________ Phone______________________
Adviser__________________________________ Office Location _____________ Phone______________________
To improve my opportunities for academic success at UT, I agree to take the steps checked off
_______ I will implement course and time management strategies and make academic planning a priority.
I will meet regularly with my instructor(s) after class or during office hours.
I will meet ____ times during the semester with my academic adviser. My next appointment is on
________________ at ______________am/pm with________________.
_______ I will take timely and full advantage of learning assistance, supplemental instruction, tutoring and
Campus community resources:
Writing Center (1005 Carlson Library, 530-4939)
Chemistry Help Center (2020 BO, 530-2109)
Biology Help Center (1013 BO, 530-2065)
Physics Help Center (2003 MH, 530-2241)
Learning Enhancement Center (Tutoring): Math, Sciences, Spanish, French, German (Carlson Library, B0200)
“Study Guides and Strategies” website:
SI (Supplemental Instruction) if available in my course.
My RA or Hall Director
Student Medical Center (530-3451) or personal physician
Office of Academic Access (Formally the Office of Accessibility) RH 1740, 530-4981)
Career Services and Student Employment (Student Union 1532, 530-4341)
Counseling Center (RH 1810, 530-2426)
Academic Adviser in another department, college or program
_______I will take steps in career planning:
Student’s Signature_______________________ Adviser’s Signature________________________ Date_________