Copyright 2009 EDItEUR. This EDItX XML transaction message standard was developed by EDItEUR, the
international standards group for books and serials.
EDItX XML transaction message formats
Version 1.0, 17 July 2009
The EDItX Inventory Report format is intended to be used by a retailer, distributor or other
intermediary (hereafter simply “seller”) managing inventory (on consignment or otherwise) on behalf
of the publisher or content owner (hereafter simply “publisher”), or by an agent reporting on their
behalf, to report inventory levels to the publisher. The format has been derived from the existing
EDItX Sales Report format. It is intended that the format be implemented in digital (on a physical
carrier such as a CD, or „online‟ if the seller has been allocated a finite number of licenses to sell),
non-digital or mixed book product supply chains, depending upon local market requirements.
The format allows these reporting options:
1. Current inventory levels (quantities in hand), categorised as being reserved (i.e. allocated to
fulfil outstanding orders) or unreserved, may be reported.
2. Minimum and maximum inventory levels during the reporting period may be reported.
3. Quantities on order may be reported, and on-order quantities may be categorised as being
reserved or unreserved.
4. Quantities required to meet outstanding orders, but for which current or on-order quantities
have not yet allocated, may be reported.
5. Quantities despatched during the reporting period may be reported.
6. Quantities that have been lost or stolen during the reporting period may be reported.
7. Quantities that have been damaged or destroyed during the reporting period may be
8. Quantities that have been moved to another storage / outlet location.
9. Quantities that have been removed from inventory for other reasons may be reported (in
which case the reasons must be given in notes).
The XML schema for Version 1.0 of the EDItX Inventory Report format will be found at