HTML Preview Equipment Report page number 1.

Spring 2009
Directions: 1. Fill out all four steps
2. Deliver to Coach or any Board member
1. Name of shell: ___________________________________
2. Check the appropriate box. If item is NOT listed, skip to step 3 to write in.
[ ] Cracked outside hull [ ] Broken skeg or rudder
[ ] Cracked inside hull [ ] Shoes torn or worn out
[ ] Taking on water [ ] Any missing/damaged parts
[ ] Bent or broken rigger [ ] Loose/damaged seat or track
[ ] Cox box wiring does not work[ ] Loose/damaged foot stretcher
[ ] Damaged oarlock
3. Describe the DETAILS and SPECIFIC LOCATION of the damage:
4. Name: ___________________________________
Phone No.: _______________________________
E-mail: __________________________________
Date of damage: __________________________
Time of damage: __________________________
* This information is used to monitor the equipment and expedite necessary repairs and
maintenance. Thank you.

Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats. | Howard Aiken