Family Name:
Phone #:
Name of Nanny:
Nanny's Address:
Nanny's Phone #:
This agreement is to define and mutually agree upon the following terms, provisions,
conditions for the care of
Work Hours:_______________________________________________________________.
Compensation: The nanny shall be paid ________ weekly/bi-weekly gross. When the family
travels or has personal days and does not need the nanny to work, the nanny will still be paid
the weekly salary.
Taxes:(optional): The employers will deduct all applicable taxes from the nanny's paycheck
and make tax payments to the IRS, including FICA ( Social Security and Medicare taxes),
FUTA (federal and state unemployment insurance taxes), and federal state income taxes.
Vacation: The nanny will be entitled to up to 2 weeks of paid vacation time. The employers
must receive at least 3 weeks notification prior to the scheduling thereof. The timing of the
vacation should be mutually agreed upon by the employers and the nanny, preferably to
coincide with the family's vacation time.
Holidays: The nanny will be entitled to the following paid holidays to the extent that they fall
on regularly scheduled work days: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day...
Sick Days: The nanny will be entitled to up to 5 paid sick days. The nanny shall notify the
employers as early as possible, and by 6:00a.m. that morning at the absolute latest, when she