HTML Preview Formal Apology Letter To Teacher page number 1.

Effective Interventions for Academic Problems
Jim Wright ( 12
Sample Apology Letter To Substitute Teacher
Dear Ms. Smith:
My name is Thomas Morlin. I am a student in
Ms. Tolerino’s classroom at Baylor Elementary
On May 8, Ms. Tolerino could not be in
the classroom, so you came in as a substitute teacher.
Being a substitute is hard, because you don’t
know the students’ names and sometimes students act
silly when there is a substitute in the room.
During the class, I misbehaved.
I made a
face at you and told another student that I didn’t like
you. The other kids laughed.
I apologize for acting so badly when you were
teaching our class.
The next time that I have a
substitute teacher in my classroom, I will speak
respectfully and not make faces.
Thomas Morlin
Dear Parent(s): Please read this letter and discuss with
your child how to improve his or her classroom behavior when
a substitute teacher is in the classroom. Then sign the letter
and have your child return it to me. Thank you.
Mrs. Tolerino, Teacher
Signature of Parent(s): ____________ Date:___
*Adapted from Wlodarski, C. (2001). Tips to help your substitute teacher stay sane.
Paragraph 1:
The student:
1. Introduces self.
2. States the date the
teacher was out of the
classroom and the
substitute teacher took
his/her place.
3. Presents two reasons
that being a substitute
teacher can be difficult
Paragraph 2: Body
The student:
4. Acknowledges
5. Describes misbehavior
Paragraph 3:
The student:
6. Apologizes for the
7. Describes plan to
improve behavior for
the next time that a
substitute teacher
covers the classroom
8. (Optional) Must review
the letter with parent(s)
and return with their

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin