HTML Preview HSK6 Chinese Exam incl Audio, Answers # H61330 page number 5.

H61330 - 2
13. A 微型小说短小精悍
B 微型小说携带方便
C 微型小说强调语言美
D 微型小说不重视心理描写
15. A 变换睡姿对身体好
B 平躺是最好的睡姿
C 人们的睡姿是固定的
D 失眠会导致神经衰弱
14. A 有得必有失
B 立志要趁早
C 莲花花期较短
D 莲花象征纯洁

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss