HTML Preview Standard Operating Procedure For Schools page number 1.

Standard Operating Procedure for schools on referring to the
Education Investigation Service (EIS)
Before making a referral a school should be satisfied that they have done all that
they can to engage with the parents and student ensuring appropriate support is
offered to improve school attendance. This should include, for example,
telephone calls, sending letters, holding meetings in school and undertaking
home visits. Schools should provide an initial challenge and attempt to assess
the specific barriers affecting the school attendance. It is vital that the school
continues to work with and support the student and parents even when a referral
to the EIS has been made and an investigation is being conducted.
The EIS conduct criminal investigations under the Criminal Justice legislation,
investigations can only be commenced where an offence is suspected and
therefore there must be a record of unauthorised absence in the school register.
The school should have undertaken work around the following:
Ascertain if the child or Parents have any additional needs and if so an
assessment of those needs have been undertaken through the Early Help
Assessment Framework (EHAF).
Action plans or support plans developed to meet the needs of the student will
be important evidence especially where the parent is not engaging with that
plan. Any such plan should be documented and recorded.
Attempted contact between the home and the school must be recorded and
must be varied, regular and multiple e.g. telephone contacts, meetings and
home visits etc.
Written communication with parents should be evidenced and made available
when requested. This includes letters, invites to meetings, letters of the
outcome of the meeting, minutes of meetings, copies of PSP's etc. Stored
copies should be on headed paper and must contain date of issue and
Verbal communications with parents should be recorded and made available
when requested. This includes chronological records of telephone calls,
including voice messages left and received by school and parent.
If you have an automated messaging service, such as "1
day calling",
reports from these will constitute usable evidence.
Bullying allegations should be dealt with, recorded and evidenced in
accordance with the school's behaviour policy. Please note, a copy of any
policy may be requested as evidence.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein