Smarter Safety is not a Legal practice nor is it a Human Resources specialist. This Safety
Violation Warning Notice is supplied to assist, however…
1. Before issuing a warning letter to a delinquent worker ensure you have a written complaint from
the responsible person describing the violation, ideally a formal “Incident Report”. The
complaint must have day, date, time and place and name of witness in whose presence the
incident took place.
2. Being a legal communication you must take utmost care and talk to your own lawyer or Human
Resources specialist before issuing any written warning letter.
3. A sample warning notice follows. If you decide to use it be sure to run the completed
documents past your lawyer or Human Resources specialist first.
Safety Violation Warning Notice
Date: ____________
From your Incident Report: “Date & Time of incident”
You have been observed violating the following company safety rules or practices:
Your violation may have been unintentional, or you may have not realized that you
were violating a safety rule or a safe practice. We are bringing this to your attention
because of management's sincere concern for your safety. We hope that you share
this concern for yourself and your fellow workers. Production, economy or
convenience of either management or our employee's shall not take precedence
over safety in our operation. Further violations of the above, or frequent violations of
any safety rules, or safe practices, will result in disciplinary action.
Supervisor's Signature
I have read and understand the above warning notice. I agree that I will not commit
this violation again, and that I will try to increase the safety with which I work.
Employee's Signature